Yoga for better sex life part-3
Yoga Poses That Improve Your Sex Life
Wide-Legged Straddle Pose (Upavistha Konasana)
It improves blood flow to the pelvic area, and where the blood goes, so do energy and vitality.” Research shows that below-the-belt circulation is directly linked to arousal. The more blood coursing through your veins, the higher your “state of enlightenment.
Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana)
Sagging skin isn’t the only effect of the Earth’s downward pull. The lower half of your body is more likely to suffer from sluggish circulation because the blood returning to your heart faces an uphill climb. Beat gravity at its own game by flipping upside-down. , this pose works on many woes that can plague a healthy sex life. “It relieves fatigue, calms the mind, lessens symptoms of depression and anxiety, and eases digestive problems.
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
“Many women are so in their head that they can’t get into their body,”. When your mind gets in the way of a good romp in the hay, try this pose to help you focus and relax. “Everything that helps you to be in the moment is going to help you be more sensual. Child’s pose is very soothing and can really tune the mind to the body.
Goddess Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)
According to Hanley, this pose can help alleviate PMS and menopause––both of which can make you feel as sexy as a sack of potatoes––and it promotes healthy function of the reproductive organs. “Plus, it teaches you how to get comfortable with being vulnerable, which true, mind-blowing intimacy requires,” adds Hanley.
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
“Pigeon is the best way to release deep tension in the hips and put the mind in total chill mode. Whereas men tend to store tension in their shoulders, women tend to hold it in their hips. So this pose can help relieve tightness and restore flexibility. Relax into the position and hold for 10 long, deep breaths, advises Stiles.
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
“Downward dog calms the mind and invigorates the body, both important ingredients in good sex. “You can almost feel the tension sliding off your back when you do this pose. Plus, you’ve got your butt up in the air, which is about as ‘come hither’ as it gets!
Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
This move is so sexy, it’s even in the Kama Sutra. In this pose, you wrap one leg around the other like a rope. When you release, all the blood rushes through the cervix, which primes the whole area for some TLC. Don’t be intimidated by this move, it’s not as challenging as it looks.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, like Kegels, were invented to help treat urinary incontinence, but it was discovered that they had other benefits as well. Namely, they tone the vagina and improve orgasms. According to Barrett, holding the bridge pose is similar to doing a Kegel, because you squeeze those same pelvic muscles.
Plow Pose (Halasana)
Even though stress can make sex seem as appealing as a root canal, it may be just what the doctor ordered; pleasurable activities like sex alleviate stress by blocking anxiety responses in the brain. Still, if you can’t seem to muster the energy, plow pose can help you rejuvenate. “In this position, blood flows to the brain to wake you up. Plus, with your legs draped over your head, you’re looking straight at your hips and connecting to that area visually, which can be a powerful aphrodisiac
Better-Sex Yoga Pose: Cat/Cow Stretch
1] Begin on hands and knees, with shoulders directly over wrists and hips directly over knees.
2] Inhale, and slowly arch back (cow), lifting chest up and away from belly and extending tailbone toward ceiling.
3] Release feet so tops are resting on floor. Exhale and round lower back up (cat), gently contracting belly. Repeat six times and increase range of motion with each repetition.
Why it works: You strengthen your Kegel muscles—the same ones that contract during orgasm—to control your tailbone as you curl from cat to cow, says Barrett.
Better-Sex Yoga Pose: Cobra
1] Lie on belly with forehead touching floor. Place palms face-down by middle ribs.
2] Draw legs together and stretch them out, pressing tops of feet into floor.
3] Press hands down evenly as you draw elbows close to sides of body.
4] Using the strength of your back (not the force of your hands), slowly lift chest off floor, rolling shoulders down back. Use arms for support, while muscles of back and legs are responsible for backbend. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, breathing evenly, and then gently release to floor.
Why it works: “This is a heart opener pose,” says Barrett. “Love, energy, and breath come from your heart chakra, and this pose indirectly connects to sexual intimacy.” It’s also very energizing; ideal for couples who sometimes feel too wiped out to be sexy.
Lotus posture
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