Yoga for better sex life part-2

Asanas For Strengthening The Pelvic Girdle

These set of exercises continues to focus on strengthening the muscles around the pelvis which includes muscles like the gluteus. Strengthening these muscles gives a man control over his movements and stability while performing sex. The more control over the muscles, the less the strain on the heart and lungs and thereby indirectly a man can have more control over his orgasm.
Practice the following exercises to strengthen the most utilized muscles while having sex. Remember, you have to be regular in your practice to see the difference.
1] These asanas should not be done on a hard surface as this can hurt the knee joint. Please use a mat. Those suffering from knee pain should use a cushion.
2] Those with excessive lower back pain should avoid raising the knees very high in exercise 2.
3] Those suffering from upper backache, chest pains, tennis elbow or wrist and elbow problems should not do

Exercise 1.
1] Go down on hands and knees, palms below shoulders, body parallel to floor. Look straight ahead.
2] Raise one leg so parallel to floor.
3] Bring leg to side.
4] Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal
5] Repeat other side.


Exercise 2.
1] Go down on hands and knees, palms below shoulders, body parallel to floor. Look straight ahead.
2] Raise one leg up and bend knee so that foot points upwards as shown.
3] Now drop foot at angle as shown
4] Hold 10-30 seconds.
5] Repeat other side.


Exercise 3.
1] Turn body to one side; bring one foot forward apprx 2 feet ahead of other.
2] Raise both arms straight above head, palms together.
3] Bend the back knee and shift front knee back so that both knees are in line as shown. Exhale and move upper body forward as shown keeping arms and upper body in straight line.
4] Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
5] Repeat with other leg.


Exercise 4.
1] Lie on stomach, elbows bent and close to body, hands beside chest, soles facing up, chin on ground.
2] Keep knees on ground, push upper body up lifting hips, chest, shoulders and chin off the ground.
3] Hold 10-30 seconds, breathing normal.
4] Come back to start position.

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